How to Have a Great Summer and Lose Weight While Doing It
Summer is finally here and it’s time to get outside to enjoy everything the warm, sunny days have to offer. But feeling sluggish and overweight can make summertime feel like a bit of a drag.
The good news is, with some simple summer weight loss advice, losing weight in the summertime can be both fun and easy. It all starts with a shift in perspective and well-informed decisions. NYC Weightloss Solutions offers clients the helping hand they need along the way, providing a weight loss program that is tailored to their personal lifestyle.
Here is a quick list of summer weight loss advice that is both fun and effective:
1. Ask a Friend to Join
Studies show those who take on a weight-loss plan with a friend are much more successful at meeting their goals than those who try it alone. Asking a friend to join in on a weight-loss journey gives someone the support and accountability needed to stay on track day after day.
The NYC Weightloss Solutions is always happy to help couples, friends, and family members design a weight-loss program that is customized to each person’s individual lifestyles so they can achieve their weight-loss goals as a team.
2. Make a List of Activities
Whether it’s horseback riding, swimming, going to the beach, or walking around in an air conditioned museum, make a list of summer activities that include a moderate amount of exercise. Keeping the body moving is crucial, but people often become bored by a monotonous workout routine.
The truth is, physical activity doesn’t have to feel like a chore. The weight-loss professionals at NYC Weightloss Solutions offer one-on-one counseling to come up with a customized program that is both enjoyable and effective.
3. Less Carbs, More Protein
While it may not sound like fun to eat less carbs, they end up making you feel sluggish and fatigued, but a boost in protein helps to increase sustainable energy levels and also speeds up the metabolism.
With increased metabolism and energy levels, our clients can start to enjoy all those great summer activities they were missing out on before.
Choose between the Exclusively You, The 21-day Thermogenics, or the DIETFAST programs, each of which help to turn the body into a fat burning machine.
Here are some testimonials from client’s who have experienced weight-loss success with these revolutionary programs.
Don’t Wait Another Day
The NYC Weightloss Solutions has been providing a holistic approach to weight loss for over 40 years, not only helping clients to lose weight and keep it off, but giving them the tools they need to transform their lifestyles.
Summertime shouldn’t have to feel like a drag. By following the summer weight loss advice listed above, and with a little help from the NYC Weightloss Solutions, our clients can have fun in the summer sun and lose weight while doing it.
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